Affiliate Type

Type: CPS

CPL Percentage: 12% - 16.53%

Conversion Rate: ~ 1.25%

3 Months EPC: ₹0.56

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of Vedix Affiliate Program

Vedix is a leading manufacturer of high-quality beauty products such as Skin Cream, Hair Oil, and so on. They also provide face packs and beauty cream to the customers without any harm. The Vedix product is one of the best products available in India. They provide high-quality products and services at a reasonable price.

Vedix affiliate program is a free service for anyone with an online business. Participants can add a link to their website, blog, social media pages, or other online presences, as well as including product links in their email signature or on their company's blog. Once these links are set up, Vedix will track the clicks and purchases made by users from those links and send a commission for any sales back to the participant's account.

The Vedix affiliate program provides an excellent opportunity to earn money from any eCommerce website or blog. You can also promote this brand on your website so that the users can know about the latest offers and discounts available on the Vedix product.

Country: India

Category: Health & Beauty

Accepted Domains From Vedix
Domain Program Approval Open
Category Payout


12.00% - 16.00% / Sale