Affiliate Type

Type: CPS

CPL Percentage: 3% - 6.38%

Conversion Rate: ~ 2.5%

3 Months EPC: ₹64

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of Upwardly Affiliate Program

Upwardly is a personal financial planning firm that aims to provide life insurance, retirement planning, and investment advice to its clients. Its affiliate program offers a generous commission of 6% for each sale and 3% for each referred sale. The Upwardly affiliate program offers the affiliates the option to promote their links on their website and social media pages. However, it is advisable not to spam people's feeds and websites with irrelevant links.

Upwardly affiliate program is highly lucrative with a great conversion rate. It is a wonderful platform for content marketers to promote their products and generate revenue from it. People can join the Upwardly affiliate program and promote their products and services to a large audience. If you have a website, blog, or online channel, you can participate in the Upwardly affiliate program to earn extra income.

Country: India

Category: Finance

Accepted Domains From Upwardly
Domain Program Approval Open
Category Payout

On SIP value above Rs.1000

Rs. 600.00 / Sale

On SIP value below Rs.1000

Rs. 0.00 / Sale