Affiliate Type

Type: CPL

CPL Percentage: 2.54% - 6%

Conversion Rate: ~ 1.23%

3 Months EPC: ₹125

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of Upstox Affiliate Program

Upstox is an online trading platform for buying and selling stocks. With an extensive portfolio of securities, Upstox aids investors in building their investment portfolio by providing them with access to various products and services. As a part of its marketing strategy, Upstox has launched an affiliate program.

Under this affiliate program, you can earn handsome commissions on sales that you refer through your affiliate link. To subscribe to the Upstox affiliate program, you need to register by providing your website or blog details. Once you are approved, you can start earning commissions immediately. So, if you are looking for an affiliate program for investing, sign up with Upstox Affiliate Program and start earning the best commissions in the industry.

Country: India

Category: Other

Accepted Domains From Upstox
Domain Program Approval Open
Category Payout


Rs. 637.50 / Lead