Affiliate Type

Type: CPI

CPL Percentage: 0.00% - 12%

Conversion Rate: ~ 7%

3 Months EPC: ₹37

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of Uber Affiliate Program

Uber Affiliate Program is a free service that allows you to earn money by referring Uber rides to your friends. This is a powerful way to make money because you will earn money per ride that your referrals complete, and this is something that people use often.

Uber Affiliate Program pays you for driving referrals and can be a great way to monetize a blog or website that already has an audience. The Uber Affiliate Program works seamlessly to maximize your earnings with minimal work required on your end. It's as simple as sharing a link!

Country: Global

Category: Travel

Accepted Domains From Uber
Domain Program Approval Open
Category Payout

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