Affiliate Type

Type: CPS

CPL Percentage: 0.52% - 1.52%

Conversion Rate: ~ 0.25%

3 Months EPC: ₹0.2

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of Timesjobs Affiliate Program

Timesjobs is one of the best Indian career websites. Timesjobs make it easy to find jobs in India & abroad. You can also earn money by advertising on their job portal. It is a must to join the program. To get started with the Timesjobs affiliate program, all you need to do is sign up and add a link to your website. You will get a link from Timesjobs, which you can add to your website.

Timesjobs is an online job portal with a friendly interface. Timesjobs offers various online job offers, employment opportunities with many government projects, consultancy opportunities, and many more. Once that is done, every time an applicant uses that link to apply for jobs at Timesjobs, you will get credit for helping find them the job!

Timesjobs affiliate program is free to join, and the commission rates are very high. When you promote your blog or website in timesjobs, your blog will get advertised on their website every day in all the time jobs pages, which is millions.

Country: India

Category: Other

Accepted Domains From Timesjobs
Domain Program Approval Open
Category Payout


0.4% - 1.23% / Sale