Affiliate Type

Type: CPS

CPL Percentage: 2.24% - 7.34%

Conversion Rate: ~ 1.28%

3 Months EPC: ₹18

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of Sugru Affiliate Program

Sugru is a brand new invention that instantly bonds two surfaces together. If you have ever dropped a piece of broken glass and had to pick up the small shards of glass, you will know how frustrating this is. Sugru has developed an amazing product to cut its time to repair, seal, glue, or strengthen items.

Sugru instant glue bonds any material to any other material. It can be used on hundreds of materials and is popular for its ability to bond silicone, wood, plastic, ceramics, metal, and more. Sugru comes in a range of colors and has been one of the most talked-about products of recent years.

Sugru is an inventive, innovative product that offers a range of products designed to make your life easier. Sugru is a flexible and moldable glue and molding compound used to make homemade projects and gadgets. Sugru affiliate program offers high commission rates to its affiliates.

Country: Global

Category: Home & Kitchen

Accepted Domains From Sugru
Domain Program Approval Open
Category Payout


3.06% - 6.15% / Sale


2.24% - 6.21% / Sale


3.52% - 7.34% / Sale