Affiliate Type

Type: CPL

CPL Percentage: 2.35% - 5.67%

Conversion Rate: ~ 1.08%

3 Months EPC: ₹0.54

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of Star Health Affiliate Program

Star Health is a global health care company that develops and produces health products to provide affordable treatment for people worldwide. Star Health has its main office in New York, but manufacturing factories in other countries like China, Malaysia, Vietnam, and India. They have been manufacturing various brands of health care products. Star Health Affiliate Program offers a full commission on each sale that you make.

The Star Health Affiliate program is ideal for starting their business with a healthy attitude. They have been serving customers around the world for years now and have been making people healthy worldwide. Join this affiliate program today and start earning money from your customers. The Star Health affiliate program pays a commission on a sale that your visitors make.

Star Health affiliate program is one of the best affiliate programs among the top brands. You can earn commissions on their different products by promoting them through your website, blog, email signatures, etc. This way, you can earn commissions by selling any of their products. If you are an existing or new affiliate marketer, Star Health affiliate programs are ideal for your business.

Country: India

Category: Insurance & Policy

Accepted Domains From Star Health
Domain Program Approval Open
Category Payout


Rs. 35.50 / Lead