Affiliate Type

Type: CPI

CPL Percentage: 5.25% - 15%

Conversion Rate: ~ 4%

3 Months EPC: ₹10

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of RummyCircle IOS Affiliate Program

RummyCircle is the leading social game company in India. It has various social gaming apps, including Koi Card, Gift Bazaar, JAI LIKKA, Rummy Live, and RummySnow. It is an award-winning social game company that is expanding at a rapid pace. It is known for its quality product and customer service.

The affiliate program has many lucrative plan options. The best part about RummyCircle is its social nature, making it easy to recommend the product to family and friends because everyone can play the game. The affiliate program is completely free to join and easy to use. After signing up as an affiliate, you can refer users to RummyCircle's products and receive 15% for each sale you generate.

RummyCircle affiliate program works in the same way as any other affiliate program. It is free to join this program, and affiliates can earn a 15% commission by referring new players to RummyCircle's social games.

Country: India

Category: Other

Accepted Domains From RummyCircle IOS
Category Payout

Install + Download + Registration

Rs. 2.25 / Install