Affiliate Type

Type: CPI

CPL Percentage: 5.25% - 10.21%

Conversion Rate: ~ 3.46%

3 Months EPC: ₹15

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of Rufilo Affiliate Program

Rufilo provides a convenient, effective and simple payment option. With Rufilo, you can get e-vouchers that you can use instantly on various online shopping portals or at your favorite retail outlets. One of the best benefits of this initiative is earning an extra income from home without any investment. Users can start by registering as an affiliate using their genuine email ID and e-mail address.

All you have to do is create your account on Rufilo, pay your account fees and start earning instantly with their affiliate program. The affiliate commission rate ranges from 5% to 10% of the monthly gross amount of each customer. These revenue shares can be increased for some products which the company offers at higher ticket price points.

Country: India

Category: Other

Accepted Domains From Rufilo
Category Payout

Download + Install + Register OTP + 10 digit pan card number

Rs. 15 - Rs. 20 / Sale