Affiliate Type

Type: CPI

CPL Percentage: 4.5% - 8.2%

Conversion Rate: ~ 2.3%

3 Months EPC: ₹0.52

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of Qureka Android-CPI Affiliate Program

Qureka is a knowledge base quiz platform that provides an android application that can be used to make profits from the android application. The only way to promote this android application is by promoting it through an Android affiliate program, which is a platform that offers a lot of benefits to the member. People who sign up with the Qureka affiliate program get to enjoy a lot of benefits, including incentives and rewards for referring members, as well as many other valuable features.

The affiliate program of Qureka allows you to earn commissions and rewards by marketing your android application through your website or blog. Similar to other affiliate programs, you'll get paid for each download on your Android app as well as for every sale.

The community uses the Qureka android-cpi affiliate program to promote the Qureka android-cpi application on their website, blog, Facebook page. The users are paid for each file downloaded through the Android Application and redeem these earnings through their e-wallet or bank account.

Country: India

Category: Other

Accepted Domains From Qureka Android-CPI
Category Payout


Rs. 0.00 / Install

Install + Registration

Rs. 12.05 / Install