Affiliate Type

Type: CPS

CPL Percentage: 5.25% - 10.54%

Conversion Rate: ~ 2.5%

3 Months EPC: ₹24

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of Plum Goodness Affiliate Program

Plum Goodness is an e-commerce platform that sells healthy and organic products. Plum Goodness is a new-age online beauty store that features natural beauty products. Plum Goodness was founded by experts who guide thousands of people every day through their online articles and videos. Plum Goodness also offers a unique affiliate program where affiliates can earn up to 5% per sale.

The platform has a wide range of products on offer. It is simple to create separate product pages for each of the products on Plum Goodness, making it easier for affiliates to promote the various products. Plum Goodness also offers a support team that assists affiliates whenever needed.

The company's main target audience consists of young adults looking forward to enhancing their style quotient and joining the fashion revolution. Plum Goodness affiliates earn commissions by referring their friends to Plum Goodness.

Country: India

Category: Health & Beauty

Accepted Domains From Plum Goodness
Domain Program Approval Open
Category Payout

On Success Sale

5.25% - 10.54% / Sale