Affiliate Type

Type: CPI

CPL Percentage: 2.56% - 4.32%

Conversion Rate: ~ 1.20%

3 Months EPC: ₹12

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of Oxigen Wallet Affiliate Program

Oxigen Wallet is a mobile application, which offers a digital wallet or e-wallet service that allows you to send and receive money anytime and anywhere in India. Oxigen wallet allows you to make payments at any store in India. By using Oxigen Wallet, you can send and receive money anytime and anywhere.

To earn money from the Oxigen wallet affiliate program, you need to sign up as a publisher and choose one offered payment method to send money to your customer. The customer will make a payment at any store in India by using Oxigen Wallet. In this way, you will earn commission from the revenue generated by those payments.

To share Oxigen Wallet mobile application earn a good commission from your friends and family's Oxigen Wallet affiliate program. Sign up as an Oxigen wallet affiliate agent and earn up to 10% on every sale made by your referral partners.

Country: India

Category: Other

Accepted Domains From Oxigen Wallet
Category Payout

Install + Register

Rs. 25.30 / Install


Rs. 0.00 / Install