Affiliate Type

Type: CPI

CPL Percentage: 2.32% - 4.85%

Conversion Rate: ~ 0.65%

3 Months EPC: ₹12

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of MyBillBook Affiliate Program

MyBillBook is a billing services company that offers affordable and effective billing solutions to many businesses. MyBillBook is a digital biller that uses the Internet to track and process your charges. You can get free or paid membership in the MyBillBook program and earn online money by becoming an affiliate. Billbooks allows you to generate various professional invoice templates. These invoice templates can then be downloaded and used as a template for a bill that you will then send to your customer. When customers see your invoice, they can click on it and register for a free trial to MyBillBook.

The registration is free, and they will be sent an email about the trial. MyBillBook is entirely free software, and there are no charges for your customers. You can then customize your invoice and send it to any customer that you like.

Country: India

Category: Other

Accepted Domains From MyBillBook
Category Payout


Rs. 10.00 / Install