Affiliate Type

Type: CPI

CPL Percentage: 1.20% - 3.25%

Conversion Rate: ~ 0.54%

3 Months EPC: ₹2.3

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of Josh Affiliate Program

Josh is an online short video platform that allows users to make money by promoting videos they watch on the app. Sign up to join the Josh affiliate program and start earning money by promoting the latest trending videos for users.

The best part of the Josh affiliate program is that it has a range of video formats – 20 seconds long and 10 seconds long – and you can choose the format that suits your content best. Another unique feature is that you can promote your videos on Facebook and Twitter. So if you are looking for some extra income to cover your budget needs, sign up with the Josh affiliate program today!

Users are required to view the videos within 24 hours of their download. After watching the video, the user has to click on the “Like” button or “Comments” recorded in their account.

Country: India

Category: Other

Accepted Domains From Josh
Category Payout


Rs. 5.25 / Install