Affiliate Type

Type: CPL

CPL Percentage: 4.58% - 8.34%

Conversion Rate: ~ 4.31%

3 Months EPC: ₹120

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of ICICI Credit Card Affiliate Program

The ICICI Bank credit card affiliate program is one of the best affiliate programs in India. If you are a big fan of this brand, you should definitely take advantage of this program. You will earn revenue for each credit card placed on your website or social media page. The amount of revenue depends on the type of customer that takes out their credit card.

If you are interested in this program, you can join our affiliate program and start earning money from it. Join our affiliate program and start earning money from ICICI Bank's credit card affiliate program. The ICICI affiliate program is a good program for any website. If you have a blog or a review page about credit cards, this is definitely the right affiliate program.

Country: India

Category: Other

Accepted Domains From ICICI Credit Card
Category Payout

Valid Lead( 0-1000 Applications per month)

Rs. 152

Valid Lead( 1000+ Applications per month)

Rs. 184