Affiliate Type

Type: CPI

CPL Percentage: 4.5% - 6.32%

Conversion Rate: ~ 2.4%

3 Months EPC: ₹0.54

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of Eros Now Android-CPI Affiliate Program

Eros Now is a digital platform that offers its users a first-class entertainment experience on the go. Through the mobile app Eros Now, users can access their favorite songs, movies, short films, games, etc., on their mobile phones using Android devices.

And the company offers an affiliate program to its users. So if you are an android user, you can make money by joining this affiliate program. All you have to do is download the app on your Android phone and promote it on your website, social media pages, blogs, etc.

Instead of paying high fees for affiliate marketing companies or sites, you can promote Eros Now on your website or social profiles and earn commissions through this affiliate program. This way, you don't have to keep giving 4.5% of your sales to other people. Eros Now has the most notable movies, songs, TV serials, short films, games, and much more. When you sign up for their affiliate program, you can earn unlimited income. Eros Now has a mobile app that allows its users to purchase goods through affiliate links or by using their referral code.

Country: India

Category: Other

Accepted Domains From Eros Now Android-CPI
Category Payout

Install / Sign Up Success

Rs. 0.00 / Install

Purchase Subscription

Rs. 85.00 / Install