Affiliate Type

Type: CPL

CPL Percentage: 10% - 12%

Conversion Rate: ~ 3.42%

3 Months EPC: ₹3.23

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of Equitas Affiliate Program

Equitas is a financial services company that provides products like loans, deposit accounts, credit cards, etc. If you are looking for an affiliate program to promote financial services products online, consider joining the Equitas affiliate program. The Equitas affiliate program offers generous commissions on each sale made through your blog or website. Equitas has multiple payment methods for earning commissions. You can use any one of these methods to earn your commissions.

Equitas has a unique feature that provides you with an online network to connect to thousands of small business owners who need your products for small businesses.

Equitas is an affiliate program aimed at convincing people to open savings accounts for their future. It's important to note that you won't take any commission until you refer at least one person, but if you do, the commission is up to 10%. If you want to know more about this affiliate program, check out the Equitas website.

Country: India

Category: Finance

Accepted Domains From Equitas
Domain Program Approval Open
Category Payout

Successfully AccountOpen

Rs. 120 / Lead