Affiliate Type

Type: CPI

CPL Percentage: 0.15% - 4%

Conversion Rate: ~ 1.23%

3 Months EPC: ₹0.85

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of Desidime Affiliate Program

Desidime is an online retailer specializing in elegant and comfortable merchandise such as shoes, handbags, and lingerie. This brand seeks to delight all its customers by offering them world-class products at amazing prices.

Anyone can join this affiliate program by signing up at, an online-only platform that allows affiliates to leverage their knowledge about the brand through content creation and referral marketing. This is a free service for both our customers, who have access to thousands of quality offers without any hassle and us!

Desidime affiliates can earn commission on retail sales of their links and banners by promoting the site on various social networks and blogs. Such marketers can also get further exposure and recognition for their work by featuring it in their own blogs, thereby increasing traffic to Desidime's website.

Country: India

Category: Fashion, Other

Accepted Domains From Desidime
Category Payout


Rs. 13.50 / Install