Affiliate Type

Type: CPL

CPL Percentage: 15% - 20%

Conversion Rate: ~ 4.5%

3 Months EPC: ₹7.35

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of Creative Live Affiliate Program

Creative Live is a global media art gallery featuring the work of upwards of a thousand art and music lovers from around the world. They have a massive collection of digital tools, including video tutorials, Photoshop actions, image manipulation plugins that you can download and use on your website for free. They also have a great affiliate program with lots of potential earnings. As an affiliate, you'll be able to get paid for any purchases made from your visitors after they've watched one of their videos or bought through one of their affiliate links.

The Creative Live affiliate program is an exciting one, and if you are looking for a way to make some extra cash without spending too much time, this is the perfect solution for you. There are no limits on how much you can earn from this affiliate program!

Country: Global

Category: Other

Accepted Domains From Creative Live
Domain Program Approval Open
Category Payout


15% - 20% / Sale