Affiliate Type

Type: CPS

CPL Percentage: 8% - 10%

Conversion Rate: ~ 3.5%

3 Months EPC: ₹2.75

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of Code Sector Affiliate Program

The Code Sector is a famous software lab that produces several exciting programs. They have a very creative affiliate program that pays a 10% commission on referrals, and it can be hard to find a program with a higher commission rate than this one. This affiliate program is automatic and does not require any work from the user, which makes it perfect for bloggers and web admins that want easy jobs.

Code Sector affiliate program is free to join, and it doesn't require any effort, except for adding a link to an advertised product. The company allows you to promote its affiliate program through Facebook, Twitter, blog posts/notifications, or banners. Code Sector can be a great addition to your affiliate marketing business because you will be offering someone with an exciting audience new products that fit perfectly with their needs.

This affiliate program pays out a 10% commission on all sales, and the only thing the affiliate needs to do is promote the program on their website or blog. This means that you can get started working with Code Sector, one of the most popular software labs, without having to spend too much time researching new programs or even doing any research at all.

Country: Global

Category: Other

Accepted Domains From Code Sector
Domain Program Approval Open
Category Payout


10% / Sale