Affiliate Type

Type: CPI

CPL Percentage: 1.05% - 1.86%

Conversion Rate: ~ 0.56%

3 Months EPC: ₹2.5

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of Chingari Affiliate Program

In the Chingari affiliate program, you can earn commissions on every sale made on your social media pages or website by simply sharing Chingari products. To participate in this program, you must have a business or a website that is popular with an active audience. These audiences will be benefited from the new services offered by Chingari. The Chingari App started in January 2018 that allows users to record and share short videos with incredible filters and games. The best part of the app is that it is available for free, and it runs in the background of your phone even when you close out of it.

It is a great way to add fun to the moments you post on social media rather than just sharing a picture or video. This app has also opened up an affiliate program for anyone to easily share their posts with friends and family or anyone across social media. If someone clicks on your link and downloads your referral code, you get paid.

Country: India

Category: Other

Accepted Domains From Chingari
Category Payout


Rs. 3.75 / Install