Affiliate Type

Type: CPI

CPL Percentage: 0.15% - 4.2%

Conversion Rate: ~ 1.03%

3 Months EPC: ₹0.63

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of BrainBaazi Affiliate Program

BrainBaazi is a knowledge base trivia mobile application, and after winning a particular trivia, you will get a real amount of money in your digital wallet or account. You can spend that money anywhere. BrainBaazi offers an affiliate program that helps its users to earn money by referring their app. BrainBaazi affiliate program is easy to use and quick to sign up. However, it is only available for India at the current moment.

The BrainBAAZI Affiliate Program is free to join and easy to use. You need to promote BrainBAAZI on your website or blog by placing banners or links or sharing on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter.

Country: India

Category: Other

Accepted Domains From BrainBaazi
Category Payout


Rs. 0.00 / Sale

Install + Register

Rs. 3.75 / Sale