Affiliate Type

Type: CPS

CPL Percentage: 2.68% - 4.2%

Conversion Rate: ~ 0.53%

3 Months EPC: ₹28

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of Box8 Affiliate Program

Box8 a the fastest growing web-based food ordering platform in India. Box8 is a restaurant delivery service that enables customers to order their favorite Indian food from the comfort of their homes. Box8 has an online portal, 24/7 customer care service, and a team of more than 1,000 delivery boys across 12 cities.

The Box8 affiliate program is designed to help the affiliates by showing them how to earn money using Box8. It offers a simple and high converting product range, competitive affiliate rates, and comprehensive customer support. The partner can make a 4% commission on each order placed.

With the Box8 Affiliate Program, you can earn commissions of up to 4% on every order successfully paid. It’s free to join the Box8 Affiliate Program. Box8 offers an exclusive one-month free trial for new users on all plans, which includes two years of advertising and marketing support in addition to a customer rewards program.

Country: India

Category: Other

Accepted Domains From Box8
Domain Program Approval Open
Category Payout


Rs. 35.50 / Sale