Affiliate Type

Type: CPS

CPL Percentage: 4.5% - 6.3%

Conversion Rate: ~ 1.2%

3 Months EPC: ₹0.75

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of Asian Paints Affiliate Program

Asian Paints is a leading global paint manufacturer that has its roots in India. The company provides paints, coatings, process materials, decorative finishes, and other related products to the painting industry. Already Asian Paints affiliate program is one of the best affiliate programs to make money online due to its excellent commission rate of 6%.

Asian Paints offers a variety of marketing support and tracking tools for its affiliate partners, which allows you to choose the marketing tools that work the best for you and your business. So when you are looking for one of the best affiliate programs in India, then the Asian paints affiliate program will be the best for you.

The Asian Paints affiliate program is a popular way for bloggers to earn money from links without too much effort. To join the Asian Paints affiliate program, you need to sign up at the AllMarketingMixed (AMM) affiliate program. You can easily earn a high passive income by simply promoting Asian Paints products through your website. Asian Paints has a long history of success, and it stands as a solid brand in the industry.

Country: India

Category: Other

Accepted Domains From Asian Paints
Domain Program Approval Open
Category Payout

On order of Rs.250 and above

Rs. 150.00 / Sale

On order of Rs.249 and below

Rs. 0.00 / Sale