Affiliate Type

Type: CPL

CPL Percentage: 5.3% - 6.2%

Conversion Rate: ~ 1.2%

3 Months EPC: ₹0.75

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of Appswiz Affiliate Program

Appswiz is a massive name in the mobile application development and development tools industry. It is a one of its kind app store and is fast gaining popularity and fame among users. With this affiliate program, you can make some extra money by promoting Appswiz to your target audience. This app store offers a massive list of applications, including social networking applications, games, entertainment apps, and more. The Appswiz affiliate program is a great way to make money from your blog, website, or social media account by promoting the app store.

The Appswiz affiliate program is an excellent way to make money by promoting the Appswiz marketplace to your visitors. All you need to do is copy and paste the code snippet provided in the dashboard, and your link will be ready. You can add this link to your website, blog, Facebook profile, or another social networking site.

Country: Global

Category: Other

Accepted Domains From Appswiz
Domain Program Approval Open
Category Payout


7.5% / Lead