Affiliate Type

Type: CPL

CPL Percentage: 6.8% - 9.3%

Conversion Rate: ~ 2.4%

3 Months EPC: ₹2.7

Affiliate Countries


Quick Overview of 5paisa Affiliate Program

5paisa is an online share/stock trading website that fairly shares its revenue with the 5paisa affiliates. 5paisa’s affiliate program is quite lucrative as compared to other affiliate programs. If you are looking for a way to promote stocks online, then 5paisa will be the best option for you. 5paisa affiliate program offers a wide range of stock trading tools and services to help you start an online share trading business.

5paisa affiliate program works on a share basis, where 5paisa pays 10% of its revenue to each affiliate who brings in a new stakeholder. The stakeholder refers to you, the affiliate, who spends hours daily searching for new companies to promote their products or services. You earn money from every investment made by the stakeholder.

5paisa affiliate program provides you with three different types of commission plans. If you are interested in earning money through online share trading, sign up with the 5paisa affiliate program and start promoting 5paisa by giving valuable advice to others.

5paisa is an online share trading platform that allows buying and selling 100+ stocks directly through the website. With this platform, you can also track your transactions, check your current portfolio value and receive instant updates on your company's stock details.

Country: India

Category: Finance

Accepted Domains From 5paisa
Domain Program Approval Open
Category Payout

Payout On Account Activation

Rs. 120 / Lead